Welcome to Golf Rangefinders Pro

Golf rangefinders are becoming more and more popular as their usefulness becomes better known. For the amateur golfer, finding a golf rangefinder can be an overwhelming experience with variations in price, features and range. I know this because I have been in the same situation myself.


This is why I have written a buying guide to finding a golf rangefinder. But first, finding a golf rangefinder requires you to ask yourself the following questions:

What sort of ground will I be playing on?
Is a GPS or laser more suitable to my needs?
Will I use the rangefinder for purposes outside of golf?
Does the rangefinder I buy need slope?
How much am I willing to spend?

Answering these questions requires both self-examination and external research.

Whilst I can’t answer these questions for you, I have done my best to simplify your search for answers. This website exists to help you recognize why a golf rangefinder is useful, how it can benefit you and to identify which are the best golf rangefinders for each specific purpose.

Do I even need a golf rangefinder?

Of course, you may even ask yourself if you even need a rangefinder. If you are serious at developing your skills, I would unequivocally say yes. My views are shared by many pro golfers and golfing associations around the world, and in the video below.

[youtube id=”J3V2kPneknY” width=”600″ height=”340″ position=”left”]

I too find that I cannot play without a rangefinder now. I practically feel naked. Unfortunately, we do not generally have an innate skill to judge distances in the way that golf sometimes demands, so by removing luck and adding certainty, we can attempt to improve our skill.

I was first introduced to rangefinder reviews from www.golf.com. Now, I couldn’t play without it.

What is the difference between a GPS and laser rangefinder?

The two main types of golf rangefinders are GPS and laser. GPS rangefinders use GPS technology to calculate your position and provide yardage distance readings, and offer more advanced information on the course you are playing on. They require a course to be pre-loaded and differ greatly in their features. GPS units have the potential to be impacted by the weather, but with improving GPS technology, their usefulness is ever improving. A golf GPS can be either wearable or handheld, and so they are quite flexible. Read more about finding the best golf GPS and the best golf watch here.

In contrast, a laser rangefinder uses a laser beam to bounce off an object and provide a reading of the distance. The more powerful the laser, the more accurate the reading. Laser rangefinders are usually lightweight and versatile, do not differ much in features and can be used under any conditions, especially with added features such as slope. You are not limited by the need to have a pre-loaded course, and they can even double as a hunting rangefinder.

What can a golf rangefinder do for me?

A golf rangefinder can help you build on the following:,

Precision – A rangefinder will remove doubt from your mind, giving you a precise measurement of the distance it is pointed towards, allowing you to adapt your swing/club according to the conditions.

Skill – You can build on your internal ability to judge distances, recognize hazards and adapt to the environment.

SpeedStudies have proven that rangefinders can increase game play, giving you more time to enjoy and less time wasted.

The consensus is clear – a rangefinder is the best way to develop your golfing skill. Below you will find 3 of my top rangefinders.

Top 3 Golf Rangefinders

To narrow it down, I have listed my top picks.

Top of the Range

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00HQE9DF6″ locale=”US” tag=”golfandcamp-20″]Bushnell Pro X7 Jolt Rangefinder[/easyazon_link]

Bushnell is a name that is well known in the world of golfing, and it is no surprise that the X7 Jolt is one of the best rangefinders that your money can buy.

The Bushnell Pro X7 features the best of what a rangefinder can offer. It includes PinSeeker technology to accurately find the flag combined with slope indication to detect true and accurate readings on any ground.

The display is incredibly clear and the magnification of 7x works a treat. For speed and precision there is little competition for this rangefinder.

You can read our full review here.

Full of features

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00HWH5GH6″ locale=”US” tag=”golfandcamp-20″]Leupold Gx-4I2 Rangefinder[/easyazon_link]

Another quality product, the Leupold Gx-4Ia2 represents great value for money. The rangefinders ability to lock an object into place is almost magical, and the rangefinder features a range of sight of up to 700 yards.

The Leupold GX-4I2 rangefinder gives clear and fast readings, is legal for tournament play and even features a club selector recommendation for shots that are taken.

The rangefinder is also compact and completely waterproof. All in all, it represents fantastic value and a great investment for a serious golfer.

You can read our full review here.

Best Value

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00EF30VWA” locale=”US” tag=”golfandcamp-20″]Nikon 8397 ACULON Rangefinder[/easyazon_link]

Many golfers are interested in what their rangefinder can offer them beyond golf. The Nikon 8397 Aculon Rangefinder is suitable for more than just golf, and at a low price represents great value as your all rounder.

The rangefinder delivers clear readings up to 550 yards for a continuous measurement of 20 seconds, with a simple  LCD display.

The Nikon Aculon is very easy to use and, as one of the most compact rangefinders in the world, is easy to store as well.

You can read our full review here.


There are many rangefinders available. Read my full review on finding the best golf rangefinder in 2018 to help you to find the most suitable one for you.