12 Common Golf Injuries

Golf is a great sport that offers many positive contributions to your body, both physically and mentally. It enables your body to achieve stamina and develop your mental space, allowing blood to flow well throughout the body, prompting quick thinking.

Away from the advantage’s wrong swings or over practice on the sport may cause injuries with ranging severity. This article explains twelve common golf injuries and measures required to minimize them;


Golfers frequently experience back pain due to long hours bending over a club or the continuous rotation of the shooting posture. The problem affects the upper part of the body, making it hard to rotate properly or shoot long distances. Backpain affect a golfer’s overall performance and can make it hard to stand for more extended periods.

Backpain primary treatment includes rest that enables the body to rejuvenate itself naturally. However, severe back pain may call for a chiropractor’s visit, massage, or steroid injection prescribed by a trained physician to numb the pain.

Tendinitis in elbows

Tendinitis is a condition where the tendons swell due to repetitive overstretch. Two types of injury known as golfers or tennis elbow affect these players where the outer and inner tendons swell, making it hard to play. Management of tendinitis is through rest that allows the swollen tendons to reduce inflammation and rejuvenate and may require the use of anti-inflammatory medications.

Rotator cuff injury

Rotator cuff injury is a common injury that affects golfers with poor shooting techniques. The injury causes swelling between the arm and shoulder bone, making it impossible to play. The damage can be prevented by proper practice and exercises that facilitate strength gain to the back and ab areas. You can alleviate pain by using ice.

Knee pain

Knee pain occurs from excessive pressure placed on the knee abruptly to stabilize the hip area when shooting. Knee injuries frequently occur as one advances in age or frequent those with underlying conditions such as arthritis.

Visit a doctor to prescribe knee pain treatment as they can use your medical history to prescribe medication correctly. Activities like rest and use of ice only alleviate symptoms but do not address the root cause.

Wrist injuries

Frequent golfers experience wrist injuries due to the swing’s impact and pressure when hitting the ball. The repetitive hitting can also wear out the wrist, making your tendons swell, leading to tendinitis.

Alleviate wrist injuries by slowly preparing the body before the golf season. For individuals who play all year round, having enough rest and carrying out exercises to strengthen wrist muscles goes a long way in reducing wrist injuries.

Hand and finger injuries

The high-speed motion of swings and continual repetition exposes the hands and fingers to injuries that may range in severity. Broken bones or stretched finger tendons can be extremely painful, making it hard to play.

Thus, you can get your body in shape by carrying out general body strengthening activities that help your body prepare for the game adequately. Avoid the urge to over practice as it reduces perfect grip, making it easy to injure your hands and fingers.

Neck injuries

Neck injuries mainly affect amateurs who find themselves wrongly twisting their bodies, stretching the area’s muscles. Neck injuries can cause a sharp, stiffening pain that makes it hard to move. You can prevent the damage by proper warm-up sessions and eliminating the need to overindulge by pushing the body to its limits too early.

Foot and ankle injuries

Foot injuries are common on uneven surfaces. They are caused by losing one’s balance, placing too much pressure on the foot front or back area that puts pressure on the ankle, causing inflammation. This injury is combated by playing on even ground and having proper posture when playing.

Hip injuries

Golf involves a significant amount of twisting and turning that may make the hip joint vulnerable. Hip injuries occur from sudden excessive turns and pressure on the hip area, causing it to overstretch or snap. Hip injuries are highly painful and may need surgery; thus, care is essential when playing.

Shoulder injuries

Golfers use their shoulders to support their hands and full body when swinging. Improper swings can thus affect the shoulder bone, making it swell or dislocate. You can treat shoulder injuries by using ice to alleviate the inflammation and rest the area to regain its strength.


Excessive exposure to sun rays damages the skin, leading to sunburns. Sunburns are frequent due to the long hours taken on the golf course. The best way to prevent sunburn injuries is by application of sunscreen. You can also decide on conducive hours of the day to play that reduces the sun’s overexposure.

Lower back injuries

Lower back injuries caused by sudden rotation and pressure occur from the hip downwards. This type of injury may make it hard for an individual to move appropriately and slows down their playing techniques. Lower back injuries also impact on how far you can shoot. Remedies to prevent such injuries include proper overall body exercise and regular rest.


Golf injuries are common among golfers; however, their prevention or minimization is essential to ensure players enjoy their game. Preparing your body reduces the risks of injuries as the body develops the stamina and strength it needs to support it in the golf course. Having an excellent teacher for amateurs is essential to ensure you learn proper golfing techniques that are likely to minimize your chances of injuries.