Can You Use the Same Rangefinder for Both Golfing and Hunting?

As we all know, rangefinders are tools that estimate the distance between you and an object, thus helping you aim and hit it better, either with a golf club or a hunting weapon. While both golfers and hunters use different types of rangefinders for their occupations, it is not unusual for some to use the same tool for both. Golf rangefinders and hunting rangefinders sport other tech specs and features because the two activities differ in purpose and procedure. However, with one such device, you could cover both goals. Let us see today how to choose a rangefinder for both golf and hunting!

Yardage Distances

At first glance, it is unlikely that one could use the same rangefinder for both golfing and hunting because of the yardage distances and differences between the two types of devices. The best rangefinder for golf will not have the same distance capabilities as a rangefinder for hunting, as the latter offers significantly more yardage distance.

However, most rangefinder models that are intended for hunters work great for golf as well. Some of the best hunting rangefinders can estimate with accuracy distances of up to 1,500 yards. Moreover, such tools also feature capabilities allowing hunters to aim and shoot at objects the size and reflectiveness of a moving deer at distances of up to 1,000 yards. You can also consider hunting rangefinders capable of delivering accurate estimates of animals the size and reflectivity of a wild boar in the woods at a distance of about 500 yards.

In other words, if you want a rangefinder for both golf and hunting, go for a hunting one that comes with a fast-scan mode, angle-compensation mode, adaptability to weather changes and heat mirages, and more.

Distance Modes

Distance modes are crucial for both golfers and hunters – but in different ways. When you play golf, you want your rangefinder to use the First Target Priority Mode to detect the objects near you, while ignoring everything else distant in your surroundings, like people, animals, buildings, golf carts, etc. On the other hand, hunters want distance objects to be the priority of their rangefinders. For this reason, hunting tools rely on the Distant Target Priority Mode, a feature that helps them ignore near distractions, such as trees, people in their hunting party, vehicles, etc.

If you want a rangefinder to use in both activities, you need to look for one that features both First Target and Distant Target modes. Luckily, such devices exist. As you can quickly figure out as a seasoned golfer who uses laser rangefinders, some of the best such models with dual distancing modes come from Nikon.

These advanced rangefinders allow you to toggle between the distance modes, depending on the type of activity you want to engage in that particular day.

Rangefinder Display

We golf in full daylight, and we usually hunt in the mornings or the evening. Finding a rangefinder that can satisfy all golfers’ and hunters’ needs is not an easy feat, but it is not impossible either. If you want a single device to cover both activities, you might want to check out the models featuring both a backlight and an LCD screen.

While both golfing and hunting rangefinders feature LED and LCD technology, you will want a hybrid to bring the best of both worlds. LED displays are extraordinary for golf courses, but will not work as well for hunting when the natural light dims and fades. Make sure that when you choose a rangefinder for both activities, you get one with adjustable display brightness and maybe specific light modes for different activities.

Other Considerations When Getting a Rangefinder for Both Golf and Hunting

One of the reasons people want to use a single rangefinder for hunting or playing golf is that it is cheaper to buy just one device instead of two. If this is your line of thinking as well, here are other things to consider before you make a purchase decision:

  • No matter the brand and model of your rangefinder, get waterproof one;

  • In case you want a rangefinder for one activity that takes priority over the other, go for a specialized tool.

  • Hunting rangefinders offer longer yardage distances; you can pre-load them with ballistic data, use better magnification and different types of lenses, feature rubber armor for noise reduction, and more.

  • Golf rangefinders can measure swing rates, calculate shot distances, factor in curves, and even give you club suggestions. It is a shame to minimize your success with the limitations of each specific device.

Bottom Line

When it comes to getting the best of both worlds, also consider brands and manufacturers that already have a reputation in building dual-purpose and hybrid rangefinders. Get one that you know will work for both activities instead of hoping that a hunting tool will also improve your golf performance.